Clipping – with all of the options
ClipShifter is a wave-shaping audio plugin that functions like a clipping-style limiter. It provides enough user controls to be useful in all mixing stages: from distorting basses and drums to maximizing mix buses and warming-up overall mixes. The sonic characteristics of the clipping distortion can be altered from hard, brick wall-style clipping, to softer saturation with compression.
Dynamic Control
ClipShifter can function as a static clipping effect, but it can also respond to the transient qualities of the incoming signal. The threshold for clipping can be set to either rise or fall as the level of audio increases. The speed can be set using the Attack Time control and the Fast Release button. Let the transients through while distorting the rest, or distort that initial bass thump while letting the rest sound clean. A new feature in version 2.2 is the independent Left/Right (or Mid/Side) Threshold Control. Choose between Independent, Maximum, or Average to determine how the clipping thresholds dynamically change.
Dial-in the sound of your choice, from heavy distortion to subtle compression
ClipShifter includes controls to change the clip shape and to adjust the harmonic content. Setting the Clip Shape control to maximum produces a hard-clipped sound, while lesser settings verge on subtle compression with minimal auditory distortion. The harmonics control allows you to control the amount of even-order and odd-order distortion.