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How to make an Illenium Style Supersaw in Ableton's Wavetable

Start by opening up Ableton's Wavetable and turn on both Osc A and Osc B
Osc A
  • Set Osc A's Wavetable to Basics -> Basic Shapes -> Turn Wavetable Position to 66 (Saw)
Osc B
  • Set Osc B's Wavetable to Basics -> Basic Shapes -> Turn Wavetable Position to 66 (Saw)
  • Increase by 12 semitones (one octave)
    • One of the Key Ingredients from Illenium's sound, or any type of very large sound is the use of multiple octaves to just add thickness to the sound
  • To add some thickness to the sound, let's select Classic under Unison, and change the voices to 7 and lower the amount to 15%
Amp Envelope
  • Increase the sustain from -6db (default) to 0db. This will give you a consistent thick saw sound
  • I added a bit of movement to the sound by increasing the attack time to 900ms
  • I also lowered the release time to 15 ms
  • I increased the resonance to 15% to boost the volume of the cutoff
  • I set the cutoff to 18kHz, anything more than this is just unnecessary white noise
  • OTT - I parallel compressed the OTT preset in Ableton (Setting the Dry/Wet to 50%)
    • OTT is key for all massive saw presets
  • Saturator - To add a little distortion to the signal
    • Set mode to Soft Sine
    • Turn on Soft Clip
    • Boost Drive by 5db
    • Dial back the Dry/Wet to around 65%
  • Reverb
    • Turn Dry/Wet to 100% so we can hear only the reverb signal
    • Set Quality to High - More CPU but better quality
    • Set the Decay time to 5 seconds, this is going to make the Saw sound huge!
    • Now we can start playing with the Pre Delay. 
      • What the pre-delay does is set when the reverb actually kicks in. 
      • You can play around with the timing and go with what you think sounds best
      • I liked it at 7.25ms
    • Now we can start playing with the Filter on the Input Processing and really carve out which frequencies our reverb will be affecting.
    • Now start dialing back the Dry/Wet
      • I went with 35%
  • Compressor
    • Dial back the Threshold to around -20db and increase the ratio to 16:1
      • This is going to reduce the dynamic range of our sound quite a bit which is exactly what we want
    • Increase the attack to not effect the initial transient of the sound, we still want it to have its original dynamic
      • I went with 14.5ms
    • To help bring up the reverb tail, I increased the release to 125ms
    • Now we can bring up the Gain
      • I always prefer adding gain over just using the makeup because I know how much im actually adding to the signal
        • I went with 5dB
  • Final Touches - EQ
    • For a final touch, I added an EQ in Mid/Side mode and boosted the sides with a high shelf at 2000hz by 5db
Previous article Further Stereo Adventures with Ableton's Utility


H<3RT B. - June 11, 2020

This. is. amazing. Thankyou.

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