May 25, 2019
Andrew PausePlayRepeat
How to make a Trap Lead like Quix in Serum
Under OSC A select a Saw Wave
Under OSC B select a Square Wave
Under Sub select a Triangle Wave
Under Noise select BrightWhite
Now for the filter, select Combs under Misc
This is one of the signature ingredients when making a lead like Quix
Make sure Both Oscillators, as well as the Sub and Noise Osc, are being routed through the filter
Leave the Cutoff at 0
Play with the Resonance to get different timbres
Start by setting the Mix to 100% to hear only what the Hyper is doing.
We want this preset to sound massive, so lets up the Unison to 7.
It's up to you on what you set the rate to. I chose to set it to 0 and set up a Macro Knob to change the amount by 50
I decided to bump up the Detune amount to 65
Now dial back the Mix to taste, I went with 35%
As for the Dimension, we're going to leave the Size where it's at by default (50%)
Set the Mix to 10% and drag Envelope 1 to Modulate it by 65.
This way the Lead will get wider as the sound opens up
Select Sin Fold
Star by dialing back the Drive to 0 and setting the Mix to 100%
Now we can start adding the Drive-in. Any more than 20% with a 100% mix is going to be pretty distorted, so be sure to not have your volume too loud when adjusting 😃
I went with a 10% Drive, then dialed back the mix to 50
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